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The Full Story
103Legacy was created to preserve, discover, and share your family history. My name is Victor Ciardelli IV and my great grandfather, the original Victor, was born in Italy and fought in World War II for the Italians. After, he left his family in Italy and migrated to the United States with his wife to build a better life for himself. He found work and would send money back home to his family in Italy.
I have heard this family story about my great grandfather since I was born, but I have always wished he left a journal of his experiences so I could hear the stories from his point of view and in greater detail. Thinking about this is where the idea for 103Legacy was born.
Today, we live in the digital age where stories like this can simply be recorded over video. Writing a book about your life is a massive time commitment and takes a lot of effort. Our goal at 103Legacy, is to create a company dedicated to making it easy to discover, share, and preserve the hard times that have shaped you, lessons you have learned, your favorite memories, life changing decisions you made, and special stories you want to share. The things that make you, you.
When I first started 103Legacy, a lot of the people I would interview at first would say their life feels boring and they don't think anyone would want to hear about it, but as we started the interviews, stories started coming out they hadn't thought of or told in decades. It was emotional and very self reflecting realizing they had a lot more to tell than they originally thought. It was clear to me at that point that these interviews were not just for future descendants, but for the family here and now who haven't heard these transformational stories yet.
Everybody has a story, and 103Legacy makes it easy for you to tell yours.